Saturday, February 7, 2009

Little did I know when I signed up for this walk that the fundraising part was going to turn into a part-time job. I have spent many nights typing letters, printing off donation forms, folding those letters, licking envelopes (yuck) and attaching stamps and mailing labels till midnight sometimes! I’m really not complaining; it makes me feel good to know that I am doing this all for a great cause.

I have already started to see some donations come in….thank-you so much to those of you have already donated! I get so incredibly excited when I get an email from the 3-Day website that says I have another donation! Keep them coming!!!

I have also spoken to a few people who have thanked me for taking on this challenge because they knew someone with breast cancer and were grateful that I was willing to walk. With each person I talk to, it makes me more determined to raise this money and complete this journey. I started with a list of 3 people I knew who had battled with breast cancer who I was personally walking for. With each call or letter I get, that list grows. I am now not only walking for my great aunts and my friend Erin, I am also walking for 2 other wonderful ladies I have learned about who had this disease as well.

As for training, it’s been tough so far. Since Mike is a fireman he’s at work every 2 out of 3 nights. I have trouble trying to find time to go to the fire station to walk on the treadmill more than twice a week! I do what I can and hope that our spring comes early this year so that I can throw Jacob in the stroller and hit the bike path. I was lucky that it hit 50 degrees here today and so we took advantage of the warm spell. We went for a quick walk around the neighborhood only to find that even though it was 50 degrees, the wind was blowing like crazy and I ended up with an earache!

Finally, Team Second Base would still love to have some more team members to join us on this journey! We just got together for the first time last weekend to go over some ideas and talk about the walk. If you are interested in joining us, let me know….we’d love to have you!

To donate, please click on this link:

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